Safety Information

What is Natural Gas?

Natural gas is odourless, colourless, non-toxic and has no taste in its natural state. It is 40 percent lighter than air so that if it isn’t contained – such as in the ceiling or roof space of a house – it will rise upwards into the atmosphere and disperse.


Why Does Natural Gas Smell?

As Natural Gas in its raw state is odourless, a distinctive rotten egg or sulphur-like odour is added to natural gas so that even the smallest of leaks can be detected by smell.

It is important to note that even though a distinctive odour is added to natural gas, you should never rely solely on your sense of smell to determine the presence of natural gas. Some people may not be able to detect the smell because they have a diminished sense of smell or because the smell is being masked by other odours in the area.

In some situations a condition known as odour fade can cause the strength of the odorant to diminish so that it is not readily detectable.


How to Turn off Your Gas Supply

For your safety, it is important that everyone in your household knows how to turn off the gas supply. This includes knowing where the isolation valve is located, how it is turned off and what tools, if any, are required to turn it off. Don’t wait until an emergency to find out where and how to turn off your gas supply.

The gas isolation valve is located at the gas meter installation. If there is more than one valve, the correct valve to turn off is the one that will also turn off the gas meter.

The following examples show the two typical types of valves that are in use on our networks and their respective open and closed positions. Note: All valves turn off in a clockwise direction.

If you cannot find the isolation valve or if at any time you have difficulty turning off the valve, contact GasNet. In some instances we replace a faulty valve at our cost.

How to turn off your gas supply


In an Emergency

Refer to our In an Emergency webpage for further advice. In a Natural Gas emergency call GasNet on 0800 349 2050 and we will respond accordingly. Our priority is always to make a situation safe at no cost to the consumer (except where the call or reason for the callout is malicious).


Meter Tampering

Tampering with a meter is both dangerous and illegal. Only persons authorised by GasNet are permitted to install, maintain, change, move or remove the gas meter and its associated fittings.

In view of the risks involved anyone found altering a gas meter or its installation meter faces criminal prosecution and civil penalties.

If you know of or suspect that a meter has been tampered with, please contact GasNet. If you wish to make the report anonymously, this will be respected.


Planning to Dig On Your Property?

If you are planning to dig on your property and you do not know where gas pipes are located, you can request plans by contacting GasNet at (06) 349 2050 or lodging an enquiry on the Plans & Locates webpage. This service is provided free of charge to private property owners.